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An oracle deck

White Hare Wisdom


A 44 card Oracle Deck with full colour guidebook - featuring the 'tzorkly' wisdom of Ursula Brifthaven Stoltz.

Saztaculous cards and all new artworks combine to give you a majickal deck of positive affirmations and ancient wisdom from the Land of the White Hares.

Let Ursula Brifthaven Stoltz be your guide as she explains her tzorkly' secrets. What is a Sprelger Day?  Do you have enough Hugreki? Do you need to make more time for Estergahven? Boxed, with a 108 page, full-colour guidebook with explanations and descriptions for each card, White Hare Wisdom brings you a wealth of wisdom, positive affirmations and delighful whimsy to delight your every day. 

'I've always wanted to create an oracle deck of cards, and somehow now, more than ever, it seems like the right thing to do. Ursula has been 'whispering' in my ear for some time now - and hopefully her wisdom and my art will combine to produce a majickal deck full of positive thoughts and uplifting affirmations.

I really hope you can join me on the journey to its creation.'

Jacqui Lovesey - artist & illustrator

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